Ignition Timing
1. Warm engine tooperating temperature. Check engine condition (spark plugs, leaks in hoses, etc.).2. Turn all electrical loads OFF.
3. Connect Mazda SST #49 B019 9A0 to diagnosis connector.
Fig. 2 Diagnostic Connector:
NOTE: If SST is not used, jump across TEN and GND terminals of diagnostic connector.
CAUTION: Use care when making connections to diagnosis connector. Improper connection will cause a malfunction.
4. Connect timing light.
5. Connect tachometer to diagnosis connector IG- terminal.
Fig. 1 Diagnostic Connector. IG- Terminal.:
6. Set SST switch "A" to position 1.
8 Apply parking brake.
9. Check that idle speed is within specification.
700 - 800 rpm (Neutral or P range)
780 - 820 rpm (A/T w/parking brake released)
NOTE: Check idle speed without electric cooling fan operating.
Timing Mark:
10. Check if timing mark (yellow) on crankshaft pulley and mark on timing belt cover are aligned.
5 ± 1° BTDC
Fig. 4 Distributor Lock Bolts:
11. If marks are not aligned, loosen distributor lock bolts and turn distributor to adjust.
12. Tighten the distributor lock bolts to 14 - 19 ftlb (19 - 25 Nm).
13. After adjustment, disconnect SST or remove jumper wire.