Battery - Diagnosis/Service
Bulletin No.: 001/97Issued: 04/08/97
Revised: 06/19/97
Applicable Model/s
All Models
The information in this bulletin has changed. Replace the original bulletin with this revised copy.
All Models
The information in this bulletin describes:
^ Conditions that may lead to battery failure
^ Correct servicing and inspection procedures
^ Samples of current inspection sheets and maintenance records
^ Requirements for Warranty submission
1. Conditions Leading To Battery Problems
2. Battery Maintenance Responsibility
3. Battery Maintenance Record
4. Service Equipment Requirements
5. Charging And Load Testing Information
6. Battery Diagnostic Procedures
(Using Load Tester Vat-40 Or Equivalent)
6a. Battery Diagnostic Procedures
7. Parts Information
8. Warrantable Charging And/or Replacement
9. Warranty Claim Submission
10. Warranty Information
(For Battery Inspection, Charging And Testing)
Sample of battery Maintenance Records and Battery Check Sheet are included in this bulletin.
If a customer complains of poor battery performance (i.e. slow start, no start) perform the quick check prior to detailed diagnostics or part replacement.
A preliminary check of these items will, in most cases, reveal the problem without time consuming detailed diagnostics.
As a result of the product testing on returned parts, 60% of the returned alternators and 20% of the returned batteries are classified NTF (No Trouble Found).
Mazda Motor of America has instituted a comprehensive battery maintenance program at port facilities to maintain peak battery performance until delivery to the dealer. After wholesale delivery, it is the dealer's responsibility to maintain the condition of the batteries in new Mazda vehicles while in inventory and at the time of new car delivery.
Batteries must be periodically recharged to maintain a measured 12.4 volts or better. Loss of battery voltage is dependent on ambient temperature, demo use and time in inventory.
Mazda recommends voltage checks at one month intervals and just prior to retail delivery. The maintenance and inspection process will vary based on dealer inventory and environmental factors the affect battery life (i.e. extreme temperatures).
Mazda has installed a "Battery Check Tag" on the mirror of all vehicles (except B-Series and Miata) starting June 1, 1996. The tag will document the maintenance efforts of the port personnel and subsequent maintenance at the dealership.
A sample of the "Battery Check Tag" is included in this bulletin. Do not remove this tag from the mirror until retail delivery.
The dealership is responsible for entering the vehicle's battery voltage onto the tag on the following occasions:
^ Wholesale Delivery
^ Planned Dealer Inventory Maintenance
^ Retail Delivery
Entries must be identified by the dealership employee number for quality tracking purposes. After retail delivery, the tag must be kept with the vehicle's service file.
If a battery claim is made on the vehicle while in inventory, a copy of the "Battery Check Tag" must be attached to the repair order.
In order to accurately and quickly check the condition of maintenance-free batteries, you should have available a digital volt meter capable of reading to 0.01V and a battery tester utilizing load cells VAT 40, or equivalent) or electronic testing (Midtronics Power Sensor Plus).
^ VAT 40 testers require the battery to be charged to 12V or higher.
^ Midtronics testers require 10.2V or higher to test and provides an indicator lamp confirming that the battery is OK to test. See Service Bulletin ST, 003/95 for Midtronics purchase information.
The chart gives specific charging amps, times and load test amps for 1993 - 97 vehicles. Refer to the applicable workshop manual for other model year vehicles and additional troubleshooting information.
6. BATTERY DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES (USING LOAD TESTER VAT-40 or equivalent on Lead-Acid Batteries)
1. Start engine and confirm that the alternator warning light is not illuminated.
If the warning light is illuminated, the self-diagnostic function is operating. Check the alternator and related harness. Refer to the instructions in section G of the workshop manual.
2. Check the alternator belt tension and condition.
3. Turn the vehicle headlights "ON." Check the engine belt and alternator bearing for unusual noise by raising and lowering the engine RPM.
4. Turn the ignition and all accessories "OFF."
5. Connect the load tester.
6. Apply the load tester referring to the table and the flow charts in this bulletin (depending on the test equipment The final voltage must be above the minimum value shown in the table. Record the voltage on the "Battery Check Sheet"
^ If the voltage is more than the minimum, measure the open circuit voltage. Charge the battery is less than 12.4V.
^ If the voltage is less than the minimum, "quick" or "boost" charge the battery for 30 minutes.
DO NOT "quick" or "boost" charge MX-5 Miata batteries. These batteries are gel type and must not be charged at more than 20 amps.
^ Perform a load test again. If the battery is still below the minimum, replace the battery and proceed to step 8.
7. Start the vehicle and raise the RPM to 2500.
8. Connect the battery load tester and apply a load equal to the alternator rating.
^ If the voltage is 13.5V to 15.0V the alternator and battery are functioning correctly.
^ If the voltage is more than 15.0V replace the alternator.
^ If the voltage is 13.5V or under, check for resistance between the battery and terminals "B" and "S." Inspect the harness for damage. Repair as necessary. Retest the alternator. It the voltage is still less than 13.5V
Diagnostic procedures for lead-acid battery performance are different for those used for maintenance-free batteries (lithium hybrid batteries). Incorrect diagnostics will result in false readings and unnecessary battery replacement is the wrong procedure is followed.
6.1 BATTERY DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES (Using Load Tester VAT-40 or Equivalent on Maintenance Batteries)
Diagnostic procedures used for testing lead-acid batteries provide false reading leading to unnecessary replacement if used on maintenance-free batteries. The information is provided for diagnosing maintenance-free batteries.
6.2 BATTERY DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES (Using Midtronics PowerSensor Plus Tester on Lead-Acid Batteries)
1. Connect the Midtronics PowerSensor Plus tester, if low voltage is found (less than 10.2V) charge the battery for two (2) hours and recheck. If the voltage is greater then 10.2V, test battery condition without precharging. If low voltage is still found after a two (2) hour charge, replace the battery according to the information in the warranty section of this bulletin.
2. If the tester indicates that the battery is not at fault, refer the appropriate workshop manual or BETM (Body Electrical Troubleshooting Manual) for troubleshooting and repair information.
The following are additional Midtronics PowerSensor Plus tester features:
Position "A" will test for an open circuit (bad cell or broken internal circuit). This is indicated by A "RED" LED light. If an open circuit is indicated, replace the battery using the criteria described in the warranty section of this bulletin.
Position "B" a "green" LED indicated that the battery has at least 10.2V and can therefore be tested without pre-charging. This position required that the CCA rating (for the specific battery type under test) be set on the Midtronics PowerSensor Plus Test dial. Refer to the included chart in this bulletin, to determines actual CCA. The Midtronics PowerSensor Pulse Tester then determines actual CCA by measuring the condition of the battery voltage and plate condition.
Position "C" measures the alternator output when the engine is running and also indicated "Open Circuit Voltage".
Position "D" indicates actual CCA condition of the battery. By comparing the indicated reading to the battery's rated CCA, the battery condition is determined (ex. indicated CCA of 400 for a battery with a 600 rating indicated that the battery is 2/3 down on capacity). This decline will occur through normal aging and does not necessarily indicate that the battery requires replacement. It provides a general indication of the battery "health" for your customer.
Diagnostic procedures for lead-acid batteries performance are different those used for maintenance-free batteries (lithium hybrid type). Incorrect diagnosis will result in false reading and unnecessary battery replacement if the wrong procedure is followed.
6.3 BATTERY DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES (Using Midtronics PowerSensor Plus Tester on Maintenance-Free Batteries)
Diagnostic procedures used for testing lead-acid batteries provide false readings leading to unnecessary replacement if used on maintenance-free batteries The information is provided for diagnosing maintenance-free batteries.
7. PARTS INFORMATION (Mazda Finish Line Batteries)
The information below outlines when battery charging or replacement is covered under vehicle warranty.
^ Charging / Testing
Charging or testing is not covered under vehicle warranty and is considered part of normal dealer processing responsibility. Boost charging is covered within 48 hours of vehicle delivery.
This operation will require completion of the Battery Check Sheet.
^ Wholesale Delivery Inspection
Battery replacement requires DCSM authorization. Additionally, the Battery Check Sheet and Battery Check Tag must be completed and attached to the repair order. If the documents are not attached to the repair order, the claim is subject to debit.
^ After Retail Delivery
Replacement is covered under normal warranty if the battery is judged defective after charging and diagnosing the battery according to the procedures in this bulletin. The Battery Check Sheet must be completed and attached to the repair order. If the documents are not attached to the repair order, the claim is subject to debit.
Dealers submitting warranty claims must retain copies of the Battery Check Tag and the Battery Check Sheet The operation number listed below is used for Battery Inspection, Charging and Testing. This includes:
^ Battery Load Test
^ Battery Replacement
^ Charging and Capacity Testing
^ Charging Test
^ Dark Current Test
10. WARRANTY INFORMATION (For testing, charging and replacement)
Symptom Code: Complete Actual Code
Damage Code: Complete Actual Code
Part Number Main Cause: Complete Actual Part Number
Operation Number: G0501ACX
Labor Hours: 0.5 Hrs. (All vehicles except 929)
0.6 Hrs. (929)