Cylinder Block Assembly: Testing and Inspection
1. Check cylinder block for leakage, damage, cracks or scoring of walls, repair or replace as necessary.2. Measure distortion of top surface of cylinder block. If distortion exceeds 0.006 inch (0.15 mm), grind to a maximum of 0.008 inch (0.2 mm), or replace cylinder block.
Fig. 35 Cylinder Bore Measurement:
3. Measure cylinder bore in X and Y directions at three levels in each cylinder, Fig. 35. If cylinder bore is not 3.5433 - 3.5441 inches (90 - 90.020 mm), rebore cylinder to oversize of 0.01 or 0.02 inch (0.25 or 0.50 mm).
4. If difference between top and bottom measurements exceeds 0.0007 inch (0.019 mm), rebore cylinder to oversize.
5. If out of round exceeds 0.0007 inch (0.019 mm), rebore cylinder to oversize. Boring size should be based on size of an oversize piston and the same for all cylinders.
6. If upper part of cylinder wall shows uneven wear, remove ridge using ridge reamer.