1. Relieve fuel system pressure as described under Technician Safety Information.2. Drain engine oil and coolant.
3. Remove fresh air duct and air cleaner assembly.
4. Disconnect accelerator cable.
5. Remove cooling fan, radiator cowl and drive belt.
6. Disconnect spark plug wires and remove spark plugs.
7. Disconnect canister hose, brake vacuum hose and fuel hoses. Cover fuel hoses with rag to prevent spill, then plug hoses to prevent leakage.
8. Disconnect heater hoses and engine harness.
9. Remove engine undercover, then lower radiator hose.
10. Disconnect transmission cooler lines at radiator.
11. Disconnect radiator harness and remove radiator.
12. Remove alternator and alternator strap.
13. Remove power steering pump and A/C compressor, leaving hoses attached, then position aside.
14. Disconnect exhaust pipe at manifold.
15. Remove transmission.
16. Remove left side engine mount attaching nuts, then engine.
17. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Tighten engine mount attaching nuts to specifications.
b. Tighten exhaust pipe and power steering pump attaching bolts to specifications.
c. Tighten power steering pump adjustment bolt to specifications.
d. Tighten A/C compressor and alternator attaching bolts to specifications.
e. Tighten radiator attaching bolts to specifications.
f. When installing radiator hoses, position hose clamps in original locations on hoses, then squeeze clamps lightly with large pliers to ensure good fit.
g. Prime fuel system.