Steering Wheel: Testing and Inspection
Steering Wheel PlayWith the wheels in the straight-ahead position, gently turn the steering wheel to the left and right and verify that the play is within specification.
Play: O-30mm (0-1.1 in)
Note: If the play exceeds specification, either the steering joints are worn or the backlash of the steering gear is excessive. Correct as necessary.
Looseness or Play of Steering Wheel
Move the steering wheel in directions 1, 2, and 3 to check for column bearing wear, steering shaft joint play, steering wheel looseness, and column looseness.
Steering Wheel Effort
1. With the vehicle on a hard, level surface, put the wheels in the straight-ahead position.
2. Start the engine and warm the power steering fluid to 5O-6O deg.C (122-140 deg. F).
3. With the engine running at idle, attach a pull scale to the outermost point of the steering wheel spoke. Then, starting with the wheels in the straight-ahead position, measure the effort required to turn the steering wheel to the left and to the right.
Steering Wheel Effort:
25-3O N (2.5-3.1 kgf, 5.5-6.8 ft lb) [during one turn of the steering wheel]
4. If not within specification, check the following: fluid level, air in system, fluid leakage in piping or connections, function of oil pump and gear box, and tire pressure.