105000 MI or 168000 KM
Or every 7.5 months, whichever occurs first. Lubricate all locks and hinges.
Heating and Air Conditioning
Inspect air conditioning refrigerant level and compressor operation annually.
Emission Control Systems
California Only. Inspect hose and tube for emission. Inspect fittings and connections.
Timing Belt
Replace at mileage interval only. Check belt area for debris and fluid leaks. Failure to replace the timing belt at every 105,000 miles (168,000 km) may result in damage to the engine. California vehicles only.
Oil Filter, Engine
Or every 7.5 months, whichever occurs first.
Fuel Supply Line
Or every 105 months, whichever occurs first. California B6 SOHC only.
Engine Oil
Or every 7.5 months, whichever occurs first.