Fig. 23 Auxiliary Engine Component Replacement:
Fig. 24 Exterior Engine Component Replacement:
Fig. 25 Timing Belt Replacement:
Fig. 26 Timing Mark Alignment:
Fig. 27 Cylinder Head Disassembly:
Fig. 28 Cylinder Head Disassembly:
Fig. 49 Rocker Shaft Bolt Loosening Sequence:
Fig. 30 Cylinder Head Warpage Inspection:
Fig. 31 Manifold Contact Surface Distortion Inspection:
Fig. 32 Valve Seat Angles:
Fig. 33 Cylinder Block External Components Replacement:
Fig. 34 Clutch Cover Loosening Sequence:
Fig. 35 Cylinder Block Internal Component Replacement:
Fig. 36 Piston Pin Replacement Tools:
Fig. 37 Main Bearing Cap Bolt Loosening Sequence:
Fig. 38 Cylinder Block Warpage Inspection:
Fig. 39 Cylinder Bore Diameter Inspection:
1. Remove auxiliary components from engine in numbered sequence, Fig. 23. Place engine on suitable engine stand.
2. Remove engine exterior components in numbered sequence, Fig. 24.
3. Remove timing belt in numbered sequence, Fig. 25, noting the following:
a. Align timing marks before removing timing belt, Fig. 26.
b. Mark direction of rotation on timing belt.
4. Remove and disassemble cylinder head in numbered sequence, Figs. 27 and 28, noting the following:
a. Loosen rocker arm shaft bolts gradually in sequence shown in Fig. 29.
b. Do not remove lash adjuster unless necessary, oil leakage will occur if O-ring is damaged.
c. To remove camshaft pulley, hold camshaft on cast hexagon nut, then remove lock bolt and pulley.
d. Loosen cylinder head bolts in three steps in sequence shown in Fig. 18.
e. On 8-valve cylinder head, using valve spring lifter and pivot tool Nos. 49S120222 and 490636100A, or equivalents, remove valves from cylinder head.
f. On 16-valve cylinder head, using valve spring lifter and pivot tool Nos. 49B012006 and 490636100A, or equivalents, remove valves from cylinder head.
g. Using valve seal remover tool No. 49S120170, or equivalent, remove valve seal.
h. Measure cylinder head for distortion on lower mating surfaces along the areas indicated in Fig. 30. If cylinder head distortion exceeds specification, grind or replace cylinder head.
i. Before grinding cylinder head, check sinking of valve seat, camshaft oil clearance and endplay. Also check distortion of manifold contact surface, Fig. 31. Manifold contact surface distortion should not exceed 0.006 inch.
j. Inspect contact surfaces of valve seat and valve face for excessive roughness and/or damage. If necessary, cut valve seat using a suitable valve seat cutter or grinder of 15°, 35°, 45°, 70° and 75°, Fig. 32.
5. Remove cylinder block external components in numbered sequence, Fig. 33, noting the following:
a. Place ring gear brake tool No. 49E301060, or equivalent, on flywheel, then remove timing belt pulley.
b. On models with manual transaxle, remove clutch cover in three steps in sequence shown in Fig. 34.
c. Insert suitable tool between main bearing support plate and oil pan to remove pan. Ensure contact surfaces are not damaged.
d. When removing front and rear oil seals, protect tool with shop towel.
6. Disassemble cylinder block internal components in numbered sequence, Fig. 35, noting the following:
a. Before removing connecting rod caps, measure connecting rod side clearance.
b. Before removing connecting rods, measure connecting rod oil clearance.
c. Remove Plastigage from crankpin journals. Do not scratch crankshaft journal or cylinder wall.
d. Remove piston and connecting rod assembly through top of cylinder block.
e. Ensure connecting rod moves freely within piston. Large end of connecting rod must drop by its own weight when holding piston horizontally. If not as specified, replace piston or piston pin.
f. Assemble piston pin replacement tools as shown in Fig. 36, then insert tool No. 2 into piston pin and fully screw in tool No. 1.
g. Using suitable press, remove piston pin. While removing piston pin, check pressure it takes to remove pin. If less than 1100 lbs., replace piston pin or connecting rod.
h. Before removing main bearing caps, measure crankshaft endplay.
i. Loosen main bearing cap bolts in three steps in sequence shown in Fig. 37.
j. Before removing crankshaft, measure main bearing oil clearances.
k. Measure cylinder block top surface distortion (warpage) in six directions as shown in Fig. 38. Distortion limit should be 0.006 inch.
l. Measure cylinder diameter at six locations indicated in Fig. 39.
m. Measure outer diameter of each piston and ensure clearance between piston and cylinder is correct.