Sunroof - Binds During Operation
Bulletin No.: 046/93Issued: 11/8/93
Applicable Model/s
1993 - 94 626
1993 - 94 626 with sunroof
If the vehicle's sunroof binds during operation, will not open or the left rear corner of the glass panel is excessively high to the roof during operation, the cause may be the left position plate.
1. Verify the customer complaint.
2. Inspect the retaining hook on the left position plate and the left rear guide for normal operation (i.e. no binding during normal operation). If there is no binding, refer to the workshop manual for troubleshooting procedures and verity the complaint again. If binding is present, proceed with the instructions in this bulletin.
3. Inspect the sunroof seaming welt for damage. If damaged, replace the sunroof glass assembly.
4. Remove the following items using the instructions in section S of the workshop manual.
a) Sunroof Glass (Note: It sunroof motor is used to lift the panel when removing glass, be sure the motor is back in the fully closed position after glass is removed).
b) Drip Rail
c) Overhead Console
d) Headliner
5. Remove the two sunroof motor mounting screws and the sunroof motor.
6. Remove the left guide rail cover located at the rear of the sunroof frame.
7. Remove "E" clip and pin must be reused, so not damage or discard after removal.
8. Engage the retaining hook and rear guide and slide the assembly toward the rear.
9. Remove the guide assembly from the rear of the frame. The cable will come out with the assembly.
The guide assembly is spring loaded. To prevent damage tot he vehicle, place finger between the guide assembly and the roof of vehicle until completely removed.
10. Inspect the coils of the cable. If the coils are not the same distance apart, the cable has stretched and will need to be replaced.
11. Using a small file, bevel the rear edge of the notch located in the sunroof frame (See Fig. 3). This will allow smoother operation of the retaining hook.
12. Remove the position plate sub assembly from the rear guide (and cable) assembly by removing the center "E" clip and center pin.
Save "E" clip and center pin for installation.
13. Install the new position plate on to the rear guide assembly install center pin and "E" clip.
14. Feed the cable and guide assembly into the rear of the sunroof.
Take care not to damage the vehicle when installing the spring loaded guide.
15. Install the left rear guide rail cover.
16. Slide the guide into position and install the front "E" clip and pin.
17. With the sunroof motor still removed, move the left and right rear guide assemblies until the center pin is aligned between the two scribe marks on the inner side of the position plates (See Fig. 4).
This operation places the sunroof in a closed position.
18. With the sunroof motor still removed, turn the key on and cycle the motor to the fully closed position.
This procedure is necessary to time the sunroof motor with the sunroof assembly. The fully closed position is the only position which will allow both the slide and tilt functions to operate after motor installation.
19. Install sunroof motor. Do not allow motor to cycle while installing.
20. Operate motor to confirm proper operation of the sunroof functions. If sunroof does not cycle properly, repeat steps 15-19.
When operating motor without the sunroof glass installed, only move the sunroof 2 - 3 inches in the slide function. Cycling the sunroof all the way may result in damage to the roof.
21. Install the following according to the instructions in section 5 of the workshop manual:
a) Headliner
b) Overhead Console
c) Drip Rail
d) Sunroof Glass
22. Verify operation of the sunroof.
(Applies To Vehicles Covered Under Normal Warranty)