Distributor: Testing and Inspection
NOTE: Except for cap and rotor, the distributor is not serviced as an individual component. If problems with the distributor or any of its integral sub-components occur, replace the distributor as a complete unit.RESISTANCE INSPECTIONS
Connect An Ohm Meter As Shown:
Primary Coil Winding
1. Unplug 3-pin connector from distributor.
2. Use an ohm meter and measure primary winding resistance.
Resistance: 0.49 - 0.73 Ohms @ 20°C (68°F).
3. If not within specification, replace distributor assembly.
Connect An Ohm Meter As Shown:
Secondary Coil Winding
1. Remove distributor cap.
2. Measure the resistance of the secondary coil winding as shown.
Resistance: 20 - 31 K Ohms @ 20°C (68°F).
3. If not within specification, replace distributor assembly.
WARNING: High voltage in the ignition device system can cause strong electrical shock. Avoid direct contact to the vehicle body during the following spark test.
1. Disconnect the high-tension lead from a spark plug.
Checking Spark:
2. Hold the lead with insulated pliers 5 - 10 mm (0.20 - 0.39 in.) from a ground.
3. Crank the engine and verify that a strong blue spark is visible.