Adjust front camber after adjusting front caster.1. Raise and support vehicle.
2. Loosen front and rear cam nuts, Fig. 1.
3. Turn front and rear adjusting cam bolts same amount in opposite direction as shown in Fig. 2,to provide correct camber angle.
Fig. 3 Front Camber Adjustment:
4. Turning front cam one graduation on scale changes caster angle about 1/3 of an inch and camber about 5/12 of an inch. Turning rear cam one graduation changes caster angle about 1/3 of an inch and camber about 1/30 of an inch.
5. If cam cannot be turned far enough to make adjustment, adjust caster using opposite cam.
6. After adjustments have been completed, torque nuts to 54 - 70, then adjust front toe-in.