Fig. 3 Engine Compartment Components:
Fig. 4 Engine Wiring Harness Connectors:
Fig. 5 Engine Driveline Components:
Fig. 6 Upper Engine Mounts:
1. Relieve fuel system pressure as outlined under Technician Safety Information.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable, then drain radiator coolant from engine.
3. Drain transaxle oil, if necessary, then scribe position of hood hinges to hood for alignment during assembly.
4. Remove hood from vehicle, then slightly raise and support vehicle and remove front wheels.
5. Remove components in order shown in Fig. 3, then disconnect harness connectors from engine assembly as shown in Fig. 4.
6. Disconnect fuel hoses, heater hoses and vacuum hoses from engine assembly.
7. Remove components in order shown in Fig. 5, noting the following:
a. Remove clutch release cylinder from transaxle with pressure connected, then position aside.
b. Suspend engine with a chain block or equivalent, then remove No. 1 and No. 2 engine mount retaining nuts from engine mount crossmember.
c. Remove engine mount member from vehicle.
d. Remove lower ball joint pinch bolts from both sides, then pull the lower control arms down to separate them from steering knuckles.
e. Using a pry bar, separate driveshafts from transaxle assembly. Do not insert pry bar too deeply or damage to seal will result.
8. Remove components shown in Fig. 6, noting the following:
a. Lift engine and transaxle assembly out as a unit.
9. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Before installing driveshafts, replace retaining clip, then apply grease to splines.
b. When installing accelerator cable, check cable deflection. Cable deflection should be between 0.04 - 0.12 inch. If deflection is not as specified, adjust by turning locknuts.
c. Tighten all bolts/nuts to specifications.
d. Deactivate antitheft system as outlined under Technician Safety Information.