Control Arm: Service and Repair
1. Remove locknut and splash shields.2. Remove transverse member, Fig. 13.
3. Remove power steering pressure hose and pressure pipe.
4. Remove intermediate shaft bolt.
5. Support engine using suitable engine support, then remove engine mount member nuts.
6. Remove No. 1 engine mount bolts.
7. Remove shock absorber and spring bolts, then tie rod end ball joint.
8. Suspend axle using rope, then remove upper lateral ball joint using ball joint puller set tool No. 49 T028 3A0, or equivalent. Sharp edges of ball joint puller tool can slice dust boot. Install tool so sharp edges are between dust boot and knuckle.
9. Suspend axle assembly using rope, then remove driveshaft from axle assembly and suspend driveshaft with rope.
10. Support ball joint with one hand and remove ball joint using ball joint puller set tool No. 49 T028 3A0, or equivalent. Sharp edges of ball joint puller tool can slice dust boot. Install tool so sharp edges are between dust boot and knuckle.
11. Carefully remove lower ball joint dust boot with suitable chisel.
12. Remove stabilizer control link nut, then gusset.
13. Support crossmember using suitable jack.
14. Remove crossmember nuts, then lower crossmember to gain clearance to lower control arm.
15. Remove lower control arm.
16. Remove stabilizer bracket, then dynamic damper.
17. Remove lower arm front bushing by pressing with rubber bushing replacer set tool Nos. 49 T034 0A0 and 49 T034 2A1, or equivalents.
18. Remove lower arm rear bushing.
19. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Install lower arm rear bushing so direction indicator is facing down, Fig. 14.
b. Apply soapy water to new lower arm front bushing, then, position lower arm and rubber bushing replacer set tool No. 49 T034 2A1, or equivalent, Fig. 15, and press in bushing.
c. Wipe grease off ball stud before installing lower ball joint dust boot, then fill inside of new dust boot with grease. Press boot onto ball joint using dust boot installer tool No. 49 T034 201, or equivalent, and wipe off any excess grease.
d. Install and stake new lower ball joint locknut, Fig. 16. Tighten locknut to specifications.
e. Adjust front wheel alignment as described under Wheel Alignment.
f. Bleed air from power steering system as described under Power Steering System Bleed.