STEERING GEAR AND LINKAGE DISASSEMBLY1. Disassemble in the order indicated in the table.
Tie Rod Disassembly Note
1. Unclamp the washer.
2. Remove the tie-rod.
Locknut (Adjusting Cover) Disassembly Note
1. Remove the locknut using the SST.
Pinion Shaft and Housing Component Disassembly Note
1. Remove the socket bolts (2 points) which fix the pinion shaft and housing.
2. Hold the pinion shaft as shown, and pull the pinion shaft out and housing component.
Pinion Shaft Component Disassembly Note
1. Push the pinion shaft component out from the valve housing as shown.
^ If the pinion shaft does not come out easily, remove it using a press.
Snap Ring Disassembly Note
1. Carefully remove the snap ring without damaging the pinion shaft component.
Upper Bearing Disassembly Note
1. Set the SST as shown.
2. Using a press, remove the oil seal and upper bearing without applying pressure to the edge of the valve housing.
Holder Disassembly Note
1. Cut away the staked area using a drill.
^ Carefully pull the holder out without damaging the U-gasket.
2. Disassemble the holder using the SST.
Inner Guide Disassembly Note
1. Set the SSTs into the valve side.
2. Install the SST to the gear housing.
3. Press the oil seal and inner guide out.
Mounting Rubber Disassembly Note
1. Press the mounting rubber out from the gear housing using the SSTs and a press.
Tie-rod End Boot Disassembly Note
1. Secure the tie-rod end in a vise.
2. Place a chisel against the boot and hold it at the angle shown.
3. Remove the boot by tapping it with a hammer.
Rack Inspection
1. Inspect the rack for cracking, damage, and tooth wear.
^ Replace it as necessary.
2. Measure the runout of the rack.
^ If not within the specification, replace the rack.
Near point A: 0.15 mm (0.0059 inch) max.
Near point B: 0.20 mm (0.0079 inch) max.
Tie-rod End Inspection
1. Inspect the tie-rod end for damage and boot cracks.
^ Replace it as necessary.
2. Inspect the ball joint for looseness.
^ Replace the tie-rod end as necessary.
3. Rotate the ball joint 5 times.
4. Measure the rotation torque of the ball joint using the SST and a pull scale.
^ If not within the specification, replace the tie rod end.
Rotation torque 0.35 - 2.54 Nm (3.5 - 26.0 kgf-cm, 3.1 - 22.5 inch lbs.)
Pull scale reading 3.5 - 25.4 N (0.35 - 2.60 kgf, 0.78 - 5.72 lbs.)
Tie Rod Inspection
1. Inspect the tie rod for bending and damage.
^ Replace it as necessary.
2. Inspect the ball joint for looseness.
^ Replace the tie rod as necessary.
3. Swing the tie-rod 5 times.
4. Measure the swinging torque using a pull scale.
^ If not within the specification, replace the tie rod.
Swinging torque 0.1 - 3.8 Nm (1 - 39 kgf-cm, 1 - 33 inch lbs.)
Pull scale reading 0.6 - 24.5 Nm (0.06 - 2.50 kgf, 0.14 - 5.50 lbs.)