2004-2009 MAZDA3
2004-2009 Mazda31. Dry the evaporator using the following procedure:
Running the engine inside an enclosed area, such as a garage, is dangerous. Exhaust gas, which contains poisonous carbon monoxide, could easily enter the cabin. Loss of consciousness or even death could occur. Don't run the engine when inside an enclosed area.
A. Start the engine.
B. Set the HVAC controls as follows.
C. Open one window approximately one half inch.
D. Let the engine run for 15 minutes.
2. Stop the engine. Switch OFF the fan motor.
3. Record the radio preset stations.
4. Set the ignition to the LOCK position.
5. Disconnect the negative battery cable for 1 minute or more.
6. Remove the console sidewall on the passenger side footwell.
7. Remove the PJB and PJB bracket. Refer to appropriate Workshop Manual section 09-40 - PASSENGER JUNCTION BOX (PJB) REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.
PJB module configuration does not need to be performed since the same module will be used.
8. Remove the metal bracket.
9. Disconnect the evaporator temperature sensor connector.
10. Disconnect the the Power MOS FET connector (full-auto climate control).
Power MOS FET may be extremely hot.
11. Remove the cabin air filter cover, then remove the two cabin air filters.
12. Shake a bottle of the Mazda Air Cooling Coil Coating well and attach it to the applicator, then connect the applicator to compressed shop air.
13. Insert the applicator inside the hole. Point the nozzle tip in direction of the evaporator.
14. Begin spraying by gently moving the nozzle tip back and forth from the top to the bottom to evenly coat the evaporator.
15. When the bottle is empty, remove the applicator.
For reuse, clean the applicator by flushing a bottle of clean water through it.
16. Reinstall the cabin air filters, then the cabin air filter cover.
17. Connect the Power MOS FET connector.
18. Connect the evaporator temperature sensor connector.
19. Reinstall the metal bracket.
20. Reinstall the PJB and PJB bracket. Refer to appropriate Workshop Manual section 09-40 - PASSENGER JUNCTION BOX (PJB) REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.
21. Reinstall the console side wall.
22. Use STEP 1 to dry and cure product.
23. Note application date in service record.