Variable Induction System: Testing and Inspection
Variable Tumble Control System (VTCS) Operation Inspection1. Connect the WDS or equivalent to the DLC-2.
2. Access ECT PID.
3. Verify ECT PID is 65 °C {149 °F} or less.
4. Start the engine.
5. Verify that the rod of VTCS shutter valve actuator Is pulled.
- If the rod is not pulled, inspect the following.
- VTCS shutter valve actuator
- VTCS check valve (one-way)
- Vacuum hose
- VTCS solenoid valve
- Wiring harness and connectors (Main relay - VTCS solenoid valve - PCM terminal 2N)
6. Access RPM PID.
Rod Operation:
7. Inspect the rod operation under the following condition.
- If the rod operation is not as specified, inspect the following:
- VTCS shutter valve actuator
- Delay valve
- Vacuum chamber
- Vacuum hose
- VTCS solenoid valve
- Wiring harness and connectors (Main relay - VTCS solenoid valve - PCM terminal 2N)