Fog/Driving Lamp: Adjustments
FRONT FOG LIGHT ADJUSTMENT1. Adjust the fire air pressure to the specification.
2. Position the unloaded vehicle on a flat, level surface.
3. Seat one person in the driver's seat.
4. Position the vehicle straight ahead and perpendicularly to a wall.
5. Set the front fog light 3 m {10 ft} from the wall.
6. While adjusting one front fog light, disconnect the connector of the other.
7. Start the engine to charge the battery.
8. Turn over the mud guard.
9. Adjust the front fog light by turning the adjusting screws as shown in the figure. Loosen the screws first, then tighten them.
NOTE: If the adjusting screws are tightened firs then loosened, they will continue to loosen when the vehicle is in motion and may cause the front fog light to become misaligned.