DTC U2616, U2617, U2618, U2619U2616-U2619:
Step 1-Step 6:
^ If the installed wheel unit ID number is known, verification of whether the TPMS control module is receiving data from the wheel unit can be easily confirmed using the following procedure:
1. Drive the vehicle at 25 km/h (15.5 mph) or more, and send data from the wheel unit.
2. Select [LAST_ID] from the PID items, and monitor the data.
3. Verification that the TPMS control module is receiving data is possible if the monitored ID number matches the installed wheel unit ID number.
^ If the wheel unit has been newly replaced, the TPMS warning light may flashes before the ID registration is complete, and DTC U2616, U2617, U2618 and U2619 may be stored in the memory, In this case, reimplement the wheel unit ID registration and, after confirming that the TPMS warning light is no longer flashing, erase the DTC. If the TPMS warning light does not go out, a malfunction on any one of the wheel units may have occurred and the ID registration will not have been correctly performed. Repeat the diagnostic procedure from Step 1 and perform and inspection.