Tire Monitoring System: Service and Repair
After the wheel unit replacement, registration of the wheel unit identification codes must be performed. ID registration can be done using the M-MDS, or not using the M-MDS.
Using M-MDS
1. After the vehicle is identified, select the following items from the initial screen of the M-MDS.
^ This function is available for only the IDS (laptop PC).
^ Select the Body tab.
^ Select the TPMS Functions.
^ Select the Wheel Unit ID Registration.
^ Select the WU_ID Registration.
If performing the procedure alone, never drive the vehicle while checking the M-MDS screen. When performing the ID registration, record each data on the screen before driving, and verify that the ID numbers have changed after driving.
^When the vehicle is driven, the four ID numbers in the bold cell of the chart change at the same time the ID registration finishes.
2. Leave the vehicle with the engine off for 15 min or more.
3. Verify that the TPMS warning light turns on and off in 0.5 s cycles repeatedly.
4. Drive the vehicle at a speed of 25 km/h {15.5 mph} or more for 10 min to implement the wheel unit ID registration.
If the ID registration is not completed even after driving the vehicle for 10 min or more at a speed of 25 km/h {15.5 mph} or more, the TPMS warning light flashes.
5. Verify that the TPMS warning light turns off.
If the wheel unit ID registration cannot be performed after driving 10 min or more, refer to the symptom troubleshooting procedure.
Without Using M-MDS
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position, then turn it off.
2. Leave the vehicle with the engine off for 15 min or more.
3. Drive the vehicle at a speed of 25 km/h {15.5 mph} or more for 10 min or more.
4. After driving for 10 min, verify that the TPMS warning light does not flash and is not illuminated.