Drive Belt: Adjustments
1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Loosen generator installation bolt A and locknut B.
3. Adjust the drive belt deflection and tension by turning adjusting bolt C to the specification.
Drive belt deflection (with pressure of 98 N {10 kgf, 22 lbf}): 4.5 - 5.0 mm {0.18 - 0.19 in}
Drive belt tension (when using the SST): 519 - 666 N {53.0 - 67.9 kgf, 117 - 149 lbf}
4. Tighten generator installation bolt A and locknut B to the specified torque.
Tightening torque
A: 38 - 51 Nm {3.9 - 5.2 kgf.m, 29 - 37 ft.lbf}
B: 18.6 - 25.5 N-m {1.90 - 2.60 kgf.m, 13.8 - 18.8 ft.lbf}
5. Crank the engine and measure the deflection and tension again. If not within the specification, repeat from Step 2 again.
6. Install the engine cover.
A/C Drive Belt
1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Loosen idle pulley locknut A.
3. Adjust the drive belt deflection and tension by turning adjusting bolt B to the specification.
Drive belt deflection (with pressure of 98 N {10 kgf, 22 lbf}): 3.3 - 4.0 mm {0.13 - 0.15 in}
Drive belt tension (when using the SST): 519 - 617 N {53.0 - 62.9 kgf, 117 - 138 lbf}
4. Tighten idle pulley locknut A to the specified torque.
Tightening torque: 37.2 - 51.9 N-m {3.80 - 5.29 kgf.m, 27.5 - 38.2 ft.lbf}
5. Crank the engine and measure the deflection and tension again. If not within the specification, repeat from Step 2 again.
6. Install the engine cover.