Timing Components: Specifications
Crankshaft PulleyTighten the new crankshaft pulley lock bolt in four steps.
(1) Tighten to 120 Nm (12.2 kgf.m, 88.5 ft. lbf)
(2) Loosen 360° (one full turn) in reverse order.
(3) Tighten to 47 - 53 Nm (4.8 - 5.4 kgf.m, 35 - 39 ft. lbf)
(4) Tighten 85° - 95°
Engine Front Cover
Install the remaining bolts and studs, and then tighten all bolts and studs in the order shown.
Tightening Torque 20 - 30 Nm (2.1 - 3.0 kgf.m, 15 - 22 ft. lbf)