Drive Belt: Service and Repair
1. Remove the under cover and splash shield (RH).
2. Set a breaker bar on the center of the front drive belt auto tensioner pulley as shown.
3. Using the breaker bar, turn the center of the front drive belt auto tensioner pulley Counterclockwise to release tension to the drive belt.
4. Remove the front drive belt.
5. Reinstall the front drive belt or install a new front drive belt.
6. Verify that the front drive belt auto tensioner indicator mark does not exceed the limit.Testing and Inspection
^ If it exceeds the limit, replace the front drive belt.
7. Install the splash shield (RH).
Water Pump Drive Belt
1. Remove the plug hole plate.
2. Remove the front wheel and tire (RH).
3. Remove the splash shield (RH).
4. Hold down the belt while cuffing as shown in the figure.
^ To prevent the belt from snapping back, always hold down the belt while cutting it. Also, keep your face away from the belt.
^ The belt is not reusable.
5. Secure the water pump drive pulley and the new belt using a tie wrap.
^ It is acceptable to use a tie wrap with a releasable lock.
6. Rotate the crankshaft verifying that the belt engages properly.
Crankshaft rotating angle (reference)
Approximately 110
7. Verify that the belt is installed securely in the pulley groove.
^ If the belt slips while rotating the crankshaft, verify that the belt engages properly by rotating the crankshaft further.
8. Remove the tie wrap.
^ To prevent damage to the belt, cut the tie wrap at the pulley side using the nipper or scissors when removing the tie wrap by cutting it.
9. Install the splash shield (RH)
10. Install the front wheel and tire (RH).
11. Install the plug hole plate.