Fluid - M/T: Testing and Inspection
1. Park the vehicle on level ground.
2. Remove the aerodynamic under cover No.2. Aerodynamic Under Cover No.2 Removal/Installation
3. Remove the oil level plug and washer.
4. Verify that the oil is near the brim of the plug port.
- If the oil level is lower than the low level, add the specified amount and type of oil through the oil level plug hole.
Manual transaxle oil Grade
- API Service GL-4 or GL-5
Manual transaxle oil Viscosity
- All-season: SAE 75W-90
- Above 10 °C {50 °F}: SAE 80W-90
5. Install a new washer and the oil level plug.
Tightening torque
- 39-59 Nm {4.0-6.0 kgf-m, 29-43 ft-lbf}
6. Install the aerodynamic under cover No.2. Aerodynamic Under Cover No.2 Removal/Installation