Trailing Arm: Service and Repair
- Performing the following procedures without first removing the ABS wheel-speed sensor may possibly cause an open circuit in the harness if it is pulled by mistake. Before performing the following procedures, remove the ABS wheel-speed sensor (axle side) and fix it to an appropriate place where the sensor will not be pulled by mistake while servicing the vehicle.
1. Remove the rear ABS wheel-speed sensor, and disconnect the rear ABS wheel-speed sensor harness from the rear trailing link. Rear ABS Wheel-Speed Sensor Removal/Installation
2. Remove the floor under cover No.1 (LH) and/or floor under cover No.2 (RH). Floor Under Cover Removal/Installation
3. Jack up the vehicle to the unloaded condition, and support the trailing link using a jack.
4. Remove the trailing link.
5. Support the rear axle with unloaded condition using a jack.
6. Temporarily install the rear trailing link knuckle side.
7. Install the rear trailing link front side.
8. Tighten the bolts installing the rear trailing link as the specified torque.
9. Inspect the rear wheel alignment. Rear Wheel Alignment