Brake Rotor/Disc
FrontMinimum front disc plate thickness 22 mm {0.87 in}
Minimum front disc plate thickness after machining using a brake lathe on-vehicle 22.8 mm {0.90 in}
Front disc plate runout limit 0.05 mm {0.002 in}
Discard Thickness If the thickness is not with the specification, replace the disc plate.
Thickness variation limit 0.015 mm {0.00059 in}
Minimum rear disc plate thickness 16 mm {0.63 in}
Minimum rear disc plate thickness after machining using a brake lathe
on-vehicle 16.8 mm {0.66 in}
Rear disc plate runout limit 0.05 mm {0.002 in}
Thickness variation limit 0.015 mm {0.00059 in}
Discard Thickness If the thickness is not with the specification, replace the disc plate.