Air Duct: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Removal and Replacement Removal and Replacement Removal and Replacement
2. Remove the following parts:
a. Upper panel Upper Panel Removal/Installation
b. Shift lever knob (MTX) Manual Transaxle Shift Mechanism Removal/Installation [G35M-R] Manual Transaxle Shift Mechanism Removal/Installation [G66M-R]
c. Selector lever knob (ATX) Automatic Transaxle Shift Mechanism Removal/Installation
d. Shift panel Shift Panel Removal/Installation
e. Side wall Side Wall Removal/Installation
f. Console Console Removal/Installation
g. Front scuff plate Front Scuff Plate Removal/Installation
h. Front side trim Front Side Trim Removal/Installation
i. Fuel-filler lid opener lever cover Fuel-Filler Lid Opener And Lever Removal/Installation
3. Turn the floor covering over.
4. Remove in the order indicated in the table.
5. Install in the reverse order of removal.