Headlamp: Adjustments
- If the headlight aiming is adjusted with cargo in the vehicle, it may not adjust correctly. Adjust the headlight aiming with the vehicle under the following conditions:
- No occupants inside vehicle
- Cargo other than spare tire, jack, and tools not loaded
- Tire pressure is at specification [1][2]Specifications
- Park the vehicle on level ground
- The reflectors for the low and high beams are an integrated unit. Therefore, perform the headlight aiming adjustment on only the low beam.
1. Point the headlight beams to a wall and verify that the headlight beams are as shown in the figure.
2. Make a screen as shown in the figure using double-weight, white paper.
3. Seat one person in the driver's seat.
4. Line up the vehicle with the wall so that the center of the headlight is 3 m {9.8 ft} away from the wall.
5. Measure the height at the center of the headlight.
- Since the height of the vehicle varies depending on the vehicle situation, measure the height of the center of the headlight using the actual vehicle.
6. Align the center of the headlight with the center of the screen.
7. Block the light of the other headlight using a partition.
8. Start the engine.
- If servicing is performed when the engine is stopped and the headlight illuminates, it could result in a discharged battery. For the aiming adjustment, start the engine and perform servicing while the engine is idling.
9. Turn on the headlight low beams.
10. Set the headlight leveling switch to the 0 position. (vehicles with headlight leveling system)
11. Verify that the elbow point of the headlight is in the position indicated on the screen.
- If the elbow point is not in the position indicated on the screen, perform the following adjustment:
- Insert a Phillips driver into the position shown in the figure and adjust the headlights.