Power Door Lock Actuator: Service and Repair
1. To access the glass installation bolt, position the front door glass so that the distance from the top of the front door glass to the upper part of the front beltline molding is approx. 80 mm {3.1 in}.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
3. Remove the following parts:
a. Inner garnish Inner Garnish Removal/Installation
b. Front door trim Front Door Trim Removal/Installation
c. Front inner handle Door Lock-Link Switch Inspection
d. Front door speaker Front Door Speaker Removal/Installation
e. Front door glass Service and Repair
f. Front door module panel Front Door Module Panel Removal/Installation
4. Disconnect the key rod from the front outer handle bracket.
5. Remove the screw
6. Detach the clips.
7. Press down the rod holder of the front door latch and lock actuator in the direction of the arrow.
8. Maintaining the condition in Step 7, remove the front door latch and lock actuator.
9. Install in the reverse order of removal.