Backup Lamp Switch: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. Removal and Replacement
2. Remove the aerodynamic under cover No.2. Aerodynamic Under Cover No. 2 Removal/Installation
3. Drain the transaxle oil from the transaxle. Transaxle Oil Replacement
4. Disconnect the back-up light switch connector and remove the back-up light switch and gasket.
5. Install the back-up light switch (with a new gasket) to the transaxle case.
Tightening torque
- 20-29 Nm {2.1-2.9 kgf-m, 15-21 ft-lbf}
6. Connect the back-up light switch connector.
7. Add the specified amount and type of transaxle oil. Transaxle Oil Replacement
8. Install the aerodynamic under cover No.2. Aerodynamic Under Cover No. 2 Removal/Installation
9. Connect the negative battery cable. Removal and Replacement