Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Removal and Replacement

Installation Instructions

Auxiliary Heater 83.2

Type 463 Left-hand drive

For the subsequent Installation of an auxiliary heater it is not necessary to make any new holes. The auxiliary heater installed in the engine compartment is connected to the cooling circuit of the vehicle. As a result, not only the passenger compartment is heated, but also the engine, thus ensuring the starting of the engine, even under extreme lowtemperature conditions. By means of a timer in the passenger compartment the auxiliary heater is switched on and off. The commencement of heating can be set at the timer up to 24 hours in advance. If the vehicle is not equipped with a higher power alternator (8OA), this must be retrofitted.

CAUTION: Observe specifications for registration. In Germany the subsequent installation of an auxiliary heater must be officially approved.

After installation of the auxiliary heater,the year of initial operation must be entered on the type plate of the heater.

NOTE: The auxiliary heater must not be operated in enclosed spaces without exhaust gas extractor equipment.

The installation instructions are divided into the following sections:
A. Installation of auxiliary cable harness
B. Installation of fuel supply
C. Installation of heater unit
D. Relay connection diagram
E. Schematic wiring diagram
F. Set of parts

A. Installation of auxiliary cable harness

1 Disconnect battery at negative terminal.
2 Remove steering wheel.
3 Remove jacket tube casing (1).

4 Remove wooden strips (1 and 2).

NOTE: Remove plastic caps from side nozzles.

5 Remove glove compartment
6 Remove right side nozzle.

7 Remove right side section.

NOTE: For this purpose release screw on the inside.

8 Remove side trim in right footwall.

NOTE: For this purpose lift carpeting slightly and release bolts underneath it.

9 Pivot electrics compartment downwards.

10 Remove radio and pull out oddments tray (2).
11 Unscrew bolt and slightly pull out switch panel.
12 Disconnect wire cable for heater control at regulating valve.

13 Detach gear shift lever cover and remove.

NOTE: Mark plug connectors to the appropriate switches.

14 Remove cover from hand brake lever.

15 Unscrew 4 bolts on housing.

16 Remove ashtray and unscrew two bolts, then remove housing.

17 Detach middle console.

18 Remove nozzles left and right.

19 Release all bolts of oddments tray (1) and remove.

NOTE: Slightly lift oddments tray, disconnect heater pipes and remove tray.

20 Draw cable harness through the rubber sleeve in the fire wall, route along the main cable harness into the engine compartment and fasten with cable straps.
21 Connect ground cable to A-pillar.

22 Fasten bracket with control unit to the provided holes on the side of the instrument panel.

23 Remove heating water valve.
24 Bolt on microswitch.

25 Install heating water valve again.

NOTE: For improved installation, the air distributor box must be removed.

26 Connect plug connections of microswitch to cable harness.

1 gn
1 rt/ws

27 Plug plug connection on control unit.

6-pin connection to plug connection "A"
2-pin connection to plug connection "B"
1-pin connection to plug connection "C"
8-pin connection to plug connection "D"

28 Clip plug connection to relay 11 and12 corresponding to assignment, plug on relays.

29 Clip plug connection to fuses F 20 and F 21 and insert fuses.
F 20 -> 25 Ampere
F 21 -> 15 Ampere

30 Connect cable on cable connector X5/1.
Terminal 30 2.5 red

31 Disconnect cable sw/gr from chamber no. 6 of blower switch and connect to cable 1,5li from auxiliary cable harness. Insert 1, 5li of auxiliary cable harness in chamber no. 6 of blower switch.

NOTE: The chamber numbers can be read from the back of the blower switch.

32 Route plug connection to timer in appropriate position.

33 Connect cable connector, terminal 68 (X6/4) and ground (W12).

34 Remove pedal covering.
35 Route cable for metering pump along the main cable harness through the rubber sleeve in the driver's footwall into the engine compartment.
36 Mount pedal covering.

37 Install oddments tray.

NOTE: Attach heater pipes.

38 Attach cover of hand brake lever.
39 Screw on console.

40 Install housing.
41 Attach Cover of hand brake lever.

42 Attach wire cable on heating water regulating valve and adjust.
43 Screw on switch panel.
44 Install radio and insert oddments tray.

45 Using a tool, mill a gap for the timer on the gear shift lever cover, refer to Service Information 68/20, or order according to MF No. 1055 KG 68.
46 Attach gear shift lever cover and attach electric connections,
47 Pivot electrics compartment upwards.
48 Attach side trim in co-driver's footwall.

49 Attach right side section.
50 Install side nozzle.
51 Install glove compartment.

52 Install wooden panel strips (1 and 2).
53 Attach steering column tube.
54 Attach steering wheel and tighten to 50 Nm.

B. Installation of fuel feed

NOTE: Pull off protective transport packing on tank sensor.

CAUTION: Depending on the vehicle ident. no., the appropriate tank sensor is already provided, refer to page 19. It is therefore not necessary to change it.

1 Unscrew cover.
2 Detach fuel line and electrical connections.
3 Remove tank sensor by twisting.

4 Insert new tank sensor with sealing ring.
5 Connect fuel lines and electric connections.
6 Attach fuel line for auxiliary heater with clamp.

7 Attach bracket for metering pump on ALB regulator.
8 Engage metering pump in the two mounting sleeves.

9 Connect fuel hose from tank sensor to metering pump.

NOTE: Cut fuel hose to length if necessary.

10 Connect electrical cable to metering pump.

11 Connect ground (arrow) and route the electric cable along the main cable harness into the engine compartment and fasten with cable straps.

12 Route fuel line from metering pump along the main cable harness and fasten with plastic clips.

13 Install rigid fuel line on tubular front frame cross member and fasten with plastic clips.
14 Fasten hose pieces for protection against chafing and secure with cable binders.

15 Attach fuel line with hose piece to the rigid line.

16 Connect plug connection of auxiliary cable harness to electric cable of metering pump.

C. Installation of heater unit

1 Position fender protection covers left and right.
2 Detach underride guard.
3 Drain coolant.

NOTE: Open vent on top of radiator

4 Remove cover in wheel house, right.

5 Remove plastic plugs from bores in wheel house, preassemble pump on bracket and fasten with bolts as shown in the diagram.

6 Install heater unit, for this purpose detach water reservoir of washer unit.
7 Connect electrical cable.

8 Remove water pipe at fire wall and install new pipe assembly (463 500 24 72).

NOTE: Fasten with two provided bolts beneath the air intake shaft.

9 Install pipe assembly in the engine compartment on the right. For this purpose detach shielding plate and bend bracket if necessary.
10 Connect the pipe assembly with the two short hose pieces and tighten with hose clamps.

11 Install hose line(1) from heater unit to auxiliary pump and (2) to pipe assembly.

12 Connect fuel line to heater unit and fasten with hose clamp.

13 Attach muffler with bracket to the provided bores.
14 Install exhaust pipe.
15 Install covering in wheel house, right.
16 Fill with coolant. Check cooling system for leaks.

17 Attach underride guard.
18 Connect battery.
19 Check fuel system for leaks.
20 Carry out functional test.

NOTE: The auxiliary heater must not be operated in enclosed spaces without exhaust gas extractor equipment.

21 The year of initial operation must be permanently marked on the type plate of the heater unit.

D. Device plate, dash panel

1 Relay, headlight washer system
2 Relay, day driving light
3 Relay, window lifter
4 Turn signal relay
5 Relay for heated rear window
6 -
7 Disconnecting relay I ABS
8 -
9 -
10 Time relay, differential locks
11 Relay for blower, auxiliary heater
12 Relay, for circulating pump, auxiliary heater
13 Relay I of auxiliary fan, air conditioner
14 Relay II of temperature regulator, air conditioner
15 Disconnecting relay II, ABS
16 -
A Relay, lock, RA
B Relay, lock, interaxle differential, transfer case
C Relay, lock, FA
D Control unit of auxiliary heater
E Control unit, ABS
F Antenna relay

E. Schematic wiring diagram, auxiliary heater (Diesel and gasoline)

Legend to current flow diagram, auxiliary heating (diesel and gasoline engines)

F. Complete set of parts(left-hand drive)
Order no.: 463 500 01 98 to vehicle ident. no. 078 647 (without auxiliary pump)
463 500 02 98 from vehicle ident. no. 078 648 (with auxiliary pump)

The following must be ordered additionally:
Heater unit (Gasoline) 000 830 90 61
(Diesel) 000 830 89 61

Fuel supply sensor (Gasoline) 009 542 67 17 from vehicle ident.no. 078 648
(Diesel) 009 542 67 17 from vehicle ident.no. 078 648 to 078 946
Standard installation as of vehicle ident. no. 078 947.

NOTE: Order the wooden cover according to Microfiche No.1055 Group 68, or mill out with tool, refer to Service Information 68/20