Connecting Rod Bearing
AR03.10-P-6111-08SX Mount connecting rod bearing
Test specifications for crankshaft bearing clearance
Test specifications for crankshaft bearing clearance:
Connecting rod
Connecting rod:
Assignment of connecting rod bearing to connecting rod journal for engine 273:
1 Clean bearing points on connecting rod, connecting rod bearing caps and connecting rod journals with a chamois leather.
Blow through oil ducts in direction of flow oil with compressed air. Never use hard objects for cleaning.
2 The assignment of connecting rods to connecting rod bearing journals is indicated on the back of connecting rod bearing shells by a colored dot.
Only the assigned color combinations of the conrod bearing shells (per the table) may be installed together. The sequence of the individual color combinations on the connecting rod bearing journals can be selected at random.
3 Insert connecting rod bearing shells (1) into connecting rod and connecting rod bearing cap (2).
The anti-twist locks (3) of the connecting rod bearing shells (1) must be located in the cutouts (4) of the connecting rod (2) and the connecting rod bearing cap.
Component Identification:
4 Install connecting rod bearing cap with connecting rod bearing shells (1).
5 Spread engine oil onto the thread and bolt head contact surface of the connecting rod bolts.
6 Screw in connecting rod bolts and tighten to step 1.
7 Tighten connecting rod bolts to step 2.
8 Tighten connecting rod bolts using an angle wrench to Stage 3.
If no torquing angle wrench is available, the connecting rod screws can be torqued further by the specified angle in a single operation using a wrench and leverage bar.
Do not use a flexi-rod torque wrench for tightening in order to avoid any angle errors.