GF82.30-P-2200GM Rear Window Wiper System, Function
GF82.30-P-2200GM Rear Window Wiper System, Function
General function requirements
^ C. 15R On
Rear window wiper system in general
The wiper system allows wiping and washing the rear window.
The control logic for the rear window wiper system is stored in the rear SAM control unit (N10/8).
The rear window wiper system function comprises the following subfunctions:
^ Function sequence for intermittent wipe on rear window
^ Function sequence for backup wiping
^ Function sequence for rear window washing
^ Function sequence for rear window after wipe
Function sequence for intermittent wipe on rear window
Actuation of the second ring on the combination switch (S4) for "rear window intermittent wipe" is read in by the steering column tube module (N80) and placed on the engine compartment CAN. The central gateway control unit (N93) routes the signals to the interior CAN.
The rear SAM control unit receives these signals and then actuates the rear-end door wiper motor (M6/4).
The actuation time is approx. t = 1 s (duration of wipe cycle). This is then followed by a pause of approx. t = 5 s.
The rear wiper function is indicated visually by displaying a symbol in the instrument cluster (A1).
Additional function requirements for backup wiping
^ Reverse gear engaged
Function sequence for backup wiping
The status reverse gear engaged is sent by the intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT (A80) to the engine compartment CAN. The central gateway control unit routes the signals to the interior CAN.
Actuation of the rear-end door wiper motor depends on the position of combination switch.
If the combination switch is set to intermittent operation for the rear wiper, the rear-end door wiper motor is actuated as with the rear window intermittent wipe.
If the rear wiper has not been switched on using the combination switch, then when the reverse gear is engaged, it is actuated by the position of the combination switch for the front windshield wiper:
- For interval 1 or interval 2:
The rear wiper runs synchronously with the front windshield wiper.
- For continuous wipe 1 or continuous wipe 2:
The rear wiper wipes in continuous mode.
Additional function requirements, rear window washing
^ Windshield wash not active
Function sequence for rear window washing
Actuation of the second ring on the combination switch for "wash rear window" is read in by the steering column tube module and placed on the engine compartment CAN.
The central gateway control unit routes the signals to the interior CAN.
The front SAM control unit (N10) receives this signal and then actuates the window washer fluid pump (M5/1). Simultaneously the rear-end door wiper motor is actuated by the rear SAM control unit.
Function sequence for rear window after wipe
After-wiping is activated as soon as the function "wash rear window" is terminated, i.e. when the window washer fluid pump is no longer actuated and the washing cycle in progress is terminated. This is then followed by two after wipe cycles in continuous mode.