AZ82.80-P-0002-01GZ Retrofit InCar Hotspot Wiring Harness
AZ82.80-P-0002-01GZ Retrofit InCar Hotspot Wiring Harness
Connection scheme
1 InCar Hotspot
2 Cellular telephone system splitter
3 Cellular telephone system splitter/InCar Hotspot antenna line
4 Cellular telephone system splitter/vehicle antenna line
5 Black 2-pin coupling
6 Power supply wiring harness
7 Vehicle/cellular telephone system splitter antenna line
A28/3 E-net compensator
F4 Load compartment fuse and relay box
W7/7 Ground (right spare tire well)
br Brown line
rt Red line
sw Black line
Routing diagram
1 InCar Hotspot
2 Cellular telephone system splitter
3 Cellular telephone system splitter/ InCar Hotspot antenna line
6 Power supply wiring harness
A28/3 E-net compensator
F4 Load compartment fuse and relay box
W7/7 Ground (right spare tire well)
1 Disconnect black 1-pin coupling (8.1) from E-net compensator (A28/3).
2 Affix velcro strip (9) to rear of cellular telephone system splitter (2).
3 Remove carrier foil from velcro strip and affix cellular telephone system splitter (2) to the inner C-pillar.
4 Connect vehicle/cellular telephone system splitter antenna line (7) to E-net compensator (A28/3).
5 Connect cellular telephone system splitter/vehicle antenna line (4) to the previously disconnected black 1-pin coupling (8.1) of the vehicle wiring harness (8).
6 Fix created connector in place on the Cpillar on the inside with felt tape.
7 Route cellular telephone system splitter/InCar Hotspot antenna line (3) from InCar Hotspot (1) along existing lines to the cellular telephone system splitter (2) and fix in place with cable ties.
8 Connect cellular telephone system splitter/InCar Hotspot antenna line (3) to the cellular telephone system splitter (2).
9 Fix cellular telephone system splitter/InCar Hotspot antenna line (3) in place along the edge of the body with felt tape (10).
Fix cellular telephone system splitter/InCar Hotspot antenna line (3) in place with felt tape (10) to prevent fraying.
10 Route brown line (br) of power supply wiring harness from InCar Hotspot (1) to right spare wheel well ground (W7/7) and connect.
Strap down excess length of line.
11 Check whether a fuse has been fitted in the slot (arrow A) of the cargo area fuse and relay box (F4).
If a fuse has been fitted in the slot (arrow A), perform the following operation steps on one of the slots (arrows B or C) accordingly.The following slot combinations can be selected:
-"P6" Contact cavity 6, 7, 8 or 10
-"P4" Contact cavity 3, 5, 6 or 8
Operation steps 12 to 14 are shown on the slot "P6" for contact cavity 10.
12 Detach white 14-pin coupling (11) from the slot "P6" for the cargo area fuse and relay box (F4).
The slot "P6" is marked.
13 Plug black line (sw) of power supply wiring harness into contact cavity 10 of the white 14-pin coupling (11).
Contact cavity 10 is marked accordingly.
14 Insert a fuse into the slot (arrow A) for the cargo area fuse and relay box (F4).
The fuse rating is 7,5 A. If a fuse has been fitted in the slot (arrow A), insert the fuse into one of the slots previously chosen (arrows B or C) accordingly.
15 Check whether a fuse has been fitted in the slot (arrow D) of the cargo area fuse and relay box (F4).
If a fuse has been fitted in the slot (arrow D), perform the following operation steps on one of the slots (arrows E or F) accordingly.The following combinations can be selected:
-"P4" Contact cavity 11, 12, 13 or 14
-"P7" Contact cavity 3 or 4
Operation steps 15 to 17 are shown on the slot "P4" for contact cavity 11.
16 Detach black 14-pin coupling (12) from the slot "P4" for the cargo area fuse and relay box.
The slot "P4" is marked.
17 Plug red line (rt) of power supply wiring harness into contact cavity 11 of the black 14-pin coupling (12).
Contact cavity 11 is marked accordingly.
18 Insert a fuse into the slot (arrow D) for the cargo area fuse and relay box (F4).
The fuse rating is 7,5 A. If a fuse has been fitted in the slot (arrow D), insert the fuse into one of the slots previously chosen (arrows E or F) accordingly.
19 Strap down excess line lengths in the power supply wiring harness and fix in place with cable ties.