GF82.20-P-2100G Symbol and Ambiance Illumination, Function
GF82.20-P-2100G Symbol and Ambiance Illumination, Function
MODEL 463.306 /336 /346 up to 31.5.12 as of model year 2011 /YoM 10
MODEL 463.202 /222 /236 /237 /270 /271 /303 /340 /341 up to 31.5.12 as of model year 2009 /YoM 08
Symbol illumination
1 Circuit 15 status
2 Circuit 58d signal
3 Instrument illumination dimming
4 Symbol illumination actuation
5 Light sensor day/night signal
6 On-board electrical system status
7 Rotary light switch status
A1 Instrument cluster
A2 Radio (with code (EF5) MB Audio 20 CD radio, (NTG 2.5))
A40/3 COMAND operating, display and controller unit (with code (EU1) COMAND, APS)
B32/1 Automatic light switch daylight sensor
N10/1 Front signal acquisition and actuation module (SAM)
N10/2 Rear signal acquisition and actuation module (SAM)
N22 AAC [KLA] control and operating unit
N69/1 Door control module front left
N69/2 Door control module front right
N69/3 Left rear door control unit (model 463.236/237/270/271/ 341/346)
N69/4 Right rear door control unit (model 463.236/237/270/271/ 341/346)
N70 Overhead control panel control unit
N72/1 Upper control panel control unit
N73 EZS control unit
N80 Steering column tube module
N135 LIN converter
S1s1 Exterior lamp switch
S21/1 Driver power window switch group
S21/2 Front passenger power window switch
S21/3 Left rear power window switch (model 463.236/237/270/271/ 341/346)
S21/4 Right rear power window switch (model 463.236/237/270/271/ 341/346)
S46/10 Stationary heater switch (with code (H12) Auxiliary heater)
S51/3 Left rear seat heater switch (with code (H11) Rear bench seat heaters)
S51/4 Right rear seat heater switch (with code (H11) Rear bench seat heaters)
S76 Differential lock switch group
S97/5 Transfer case switch
S110 Left multifunction steering wheel button group
S111 Right multifunction steering wheel button group
CAN B Interior CAN
Ambiance illumination
1 Circuit 15 status
2 Circuit 58d signal
3 Instrument illumination dimming
4 Ambiance illumination actuation
5 Light sensor day/night signal
6 On-board electrical system status
7 Power supply
8 Rotary light switch status
A1 Instrument cluster
B32/1 Automatic light switch daylight sensor
E17/11 Left front door inside handle illumination (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/12 Right front door inside handle illumination (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/13 Left rear door inside handle illumination (in model 463.236/237/270/ 271/341/346 with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/14 Right rear door inside handle illumination (in model 463.236/237/270/ 271/341/346 with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/15 Right front footwell lamp (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/16 Left front footwell lamp (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/23 Left rear footwell lamp (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/24 Right rear footwell lamp (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/43 Left front door ambiance illumination(with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/44 Right front door ambiance illumination (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/45 Left rear door ambiance illumination (on model 463.236/ 237/270/271/341 with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E17/46 Right rear door ambiance illumination (in model 463.236/ 237/270/271/341/346 with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
E43/6 Center console ambiance illumination (with code (FR1) Ambiance illumination)
N10/1 Front signal acquisition and actuation module (SAM)
N10/2 Rear signal acquisition and actuation module (SAM)
N69/1 Door control module front left
N69/2 Door control module front right
N69/3 Left rear door control unit (model 463.236/237/270/271/ 341/346)
N69/4 Right rear door control unit (model 463.236/237/270/271/ 341/346)
N70 Overhead control panel control unit
N73 EZS control unit
R3 Front cigar lighter (with ashtray illumination)
R3e1 Lighting
S1s1 Exterior lamp switch
CAN B Interior CAN
Symbol and ambiance illumination in general
The symbol and ambiance illumination feature provides the brightness-adjustable illumination of all controls as well as the illumination of the vehicle interior.
The symbol and ambiance illumination feature consists of the following subfunctions:
^ Function sequence for symbol illumination
^ Function sequence for ambiance illumination
Additional symbol illumination function requirements
^ Standing lights ON (circuit 58)
Function sequence for symbol illumination
The following signals are read in and evaluated by the instrument cluster to control the symbol illumination:
- Status of the rotary light switch, provided by front SAM
- Instrument illumination variable resistor status (A1r1)
The instrument cluster generates the circuit 58d signal from the incoming information and sends this to the following control units to actuate the symbol illumination of the partially integrated controls or those actuated by the control units via interior CAN:
- Radio or COMAND operating, display and controller unit
- Front SAM
- Rear SAM
- AAC [KLA] control and operating unit
- Door control module front left
- Door control module front right
- Door control module rear left
- Door control module rear right
- Overhead control panel control unit
- Upper control panel control unit
- EZS control unit
- Steering column tube module
The EZS control unit routes the circuit 58d signal to the drive train CAN.
The front door control units actuate the symbol illumination of the following components:
- Driver power window switch group
- Front passenger power window switch
In model 463.236/237/270/271/341/346, the door control units actuate the symbol illumination of the following components:
- Left rear power window switch
- Right rear power window switch
The steering column tube module actuates the symbol illumination of the following components via the LIN converter:
- Left multifunction steering wheel button group
- Right multifunction steering wheel button group
The rear SAM switches on the symbol illumination of the left/right rear seat heater switches and the stationary heater switch as requested by the overhead control panel control unit via a discrete line.
The front SAM controls the symbol illumination of the light switch module.
The symbol illumination of the switches located on the overhead control panel control unit is switched on upon opening a vehicle door even if the circuit 58d signal is not received, with a brightness value of 100 %.
If the status of the vehicle doors no longer changes, the symbol illumination is switched off after t = 30 s. The opening or closing of a vehicle door during the time interval triggers a restart.
The symbol illumination is immediately switched off when the vehicle is locked.
The symbol illumination of the operating units corresponds to the set dimming of the illumination of the instrument cluster.
Additional function requirements for ambiance illumination
^ Circuit 15 ON
^ Automatic light switch daylight sensor indicates "darkness"
^ Brightness of ambiance illumination set
Function sequence for ambiance illumination
The ambiance illumination includes the illumination of the door panels, the center console and the footwells.
The following signals are read in and evaluated by the overhead control panel control unit for controlling the ambiance illumination:
- Automatic light switch daylight sensor status
- Status of circuit 15 from EZS control unit via interior CAN
- Set dimming of the illumination at the instrument cluster by means of the instrument illumination variable resistor
The components of the ambiance illumination are actuated as follows:
- By the front SAM
- Center console ambiance illumination
- Left front footwell lamp
- Right front footwell lamp
- Left rear footwell lamp
- Right rear footwell lamp
- Illumination of the cigar lighter with ashtray illumination, front
- By the left front door control unit
- Left front door inside handle illumination
- Left front door ambiance illumination
- By the right front door control unit
- Right front door inside handle illumination
- Right front door ambiance illumination
- By the left rear door control unit
- Left rear door inside handle illumination
- Left rear door ambiance illumination
- By the right rear door control unit
- Right rear door inside handle illumination
- Right rear door ambiance illumination