Vehicle Damage Warnings
The air-conditioning system is filled with safety refrigerant R 12. This refrigerant is colorless and odorless. At normal temperature it is non-toxic, non-inflammable and not explosive at any mixing ratio with air. When working on air-conditioning systems, the following safety measures should nevertheless be observed:
a) Avoid touching fluid refrigerant. Treat afflicted skin area similar to frostbite. Wear goggles to protect eyes. See doctor immediately if refrigerant enters eye.
b) Drain system when repairing air conditioner. Do not drain gaseous refrigerant in closed rooms; since refrigerant is heavier than air any work performed in inspection pits will increase risk of suffocation.
1 Refrigerant bottle, contents approx. 7.5 kg
2 One-way baby bottle Frigen, contents approx. 430 g
c) Never steam clean any of the system components. Only nitrogen is to be employed for cleaning.
d) Never perform any welding lobs on components of closed system or nearby. No matter whether the system is filled with refrigerant or not, heat will lead to a very high overpressure which in turn may damage the system or even result in an explosion. R 12, which is absolutely non4oxic at normal temperatures, will decompose into hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid when touched by a flame. Among others, the decomposition products also contain chlorine and phosgene. Since these products are detrimental to health, pertinent care is essential.
e) If a part of the air-conditioning system is damaged or leaking, e.g, by a vehicle accident, leave system switched off since otherwise the refrigerant compressor may suffer damage due to the absence of cooling and lubrication.