NOTE: Perform alignment measurements in "Ready to Drive" condition, (i.e., at normal road height with simulated passenger load).Front Axle
Camber [1]
Wheels in straight ahead position 0° (+10', -20')
Max difference between left and right 0°20'
Caster [1]
Wheels in straight ahead position 3°15' ± 20'
Max difference between left and right 0°20'
Toe-In [1]
Wheels spread at front with 90-110 Nm 0°15' ± 10'
Track Difference [2]
Angle at 20° lock of wheel nearest curve -0°15' ± 40'
[1] Tolerances for test only. Try for nominal value during adjustment.
[2] Value indicated without toe-in.
Rear Axle
Measure distance in height from inner semi-trailing arm mount to lower edge of wheel bearing carrier coupling. Camber reading for measured height should be as follows:
Height Spec
130 0° ± 30'
125 0°15' ± 30'
120 0°30' ± 30'
115 0°45' ± 30'
110 1° ± 30'
105 1°15' ± 30'
100 1°30' ± 30'
95 1°45' ± 30'
Toe Total (inch): 0°25' ± 15'