Moisture - Contamination
1. A/C systems are extremely sensitive to contamination by moisture and dirt. Maintain a clean, dry work area.2. If the system has been open for an extended period (such as during collision repairs), a new receiver-dryer must be installed to prevent system damage and/or poor performance caused by moisture.
3. When disconnecting or connecting refrigerant lines, use a back-up wrench and torque carefully. Over-tightening will result in line and flare seat distortion and a system leak.
4. To prevent entry of dirt and/or moisture, immediately plug opening on any disconnected lines or components.
5. Cleanliness is especially important when servicing compressors because of close tolerances used in these units. Compressor repairs should not be attempted unless all proper tools are at hand and a virtually spotless work area is provided.
6. Flush the A/C system thoroughly and replace the receiver drier, when compressor mechanical failure introduces debris into the refrigerant system.