Drive Axles, Bearings and Joints: Service and Repair
On vehicles equipped with gas pressurized shock absorbers with separating piston or with piston rod located at top of shock, ensure when the vehicle is raised and the axle half is not under load, that the piston is not turning while the upper attaching components are released. In this condition, the deflection stop within the shock absorber rests against the operating piston and the attachment of the operating piston to the piston rod may loosen. Gas pressure within the shock absorber will then force a sudden extension of the piston rod and a loss of shock absorber oil will result.
On vehicles equipped with automatic leveling suspension system, place disconnect leveling valve arm, then position arm in the emptying position prior to raising the vehicle. When lowering the vehicle after service has been completed, ensure the vehicle is lowered only to the point where the leveling valves of the system are in the ``filling'' position (this is particularly important when shop pits with wheel deflection boards are used). Fill the suspension system by operating the engine.
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Disconnect front exhaust pipe from exhaust manifold. Disconnect exhaust pipe and muffler assembly from attaching brackets.
3. Remove exhaust heat shield attaching bolts, then the exhaust heat shield assembly.
4. Remove shock absorbers or struts.
5. Disconnect control cables, then remove parking brake intermediate lever.
6. Disconnect and cap both brake lines.
7. Loosen nut, then driveshaft intermediate bearing from frame floor.
8. Loosen rear driveshaft and push forward, out of center position.
9. On 190D & E models, using suitable wire, suspend propeller shaft to prevent damage.
10. On all models, remove rear springs.
11. Loosen nut and torsion bar from rear axle.
12. Drain rear axle fluid into suitable container.
13. On vehicles equipped with anti-lock brake systems (ABS), proceed as follows:
a. Turn ignition switch to OFF position.
b. Loosen, then remove RPM sensor cable connector bracket and cable clamps located behind the rear seat back rest.
c. Loosen cable to bracket attaching screws, then gently pull cable downward through rubber grommet in frame floor. Do not use excessive force to pull on cable. After the cable has passed through the rubber grommet, wrap suitable tape around cable end to protect it from damage.
14. On models with auxiliary heat, remove fuel pump bracket and exhaust bracket, then disconnect electrical connector.
15. On all models, using a suitable jack, carefully raise axle assembly until axle contacts stop.
16. Push water drain hose from rear axle carrier.
17. Remove front rubber bearing supporting plates from frame floor.
18. Remove rear rubber bearing from frame floor.
19. Carefully lower axle assembly. When lowering and moving the axle assembly away from vehicle, use care not to damage or warp brake disc cover plates.
20. Remove rear rubber bearing from axle end cover.
21. Check front and rear rubber bearings. Replace bearings, if necessary.
22. Reverse procedure to install.