Drive Belt
A. Pulley Layout on Vehicles without Power Steering. (Only engine 601 in model 201 up to 9/85).Length of belt: 1015 mm
1 Idler pulley
2 Crankshaft
5 Alternator
8 Coolant pump
B. Pulley Layout on Vehicles with Power Steering:
Length of belt: Engine 601: 2050 mm
Engine 602: 2030 mm
Engine 603: 2080 mm
1 Idler pulley
2 Crankshaft
5 Alternator
7 Power steering pump
8 Coolant pump
Engine 602.982 DELA (B Drive):
Length of belt: 2100 mm
1 Tensioner pulley
2 Crankshaft
2/1 Bottom guide pulley, smooth running surface
5 Generator
7 Power steering pump
8 Coolant pump
8/1 Top guide pulley, 8-groove running surface
C. Pulley Layout on Vehicles with Power Steering and Refrigerant
Length of belt: Engine 601: 2120 mm
Engine 602: 2100 mm
Engine 602:982: 2140 mm
Engine 603: 2145 mm
Engine 603.970: 2120 mm
1 Idler pulley
2 Crankshaft
3 Refrigerant compressor
5 Alternator
7 Power steering pump
8 Coolant pump
D. Pulley Layout on Vehicles with Power Steering with/without Refrigerant Compressor:
Length of belt: Engine 601.971
Without refrigerant compressor: 2080 mm
With refrigerant compressor: 2145 mm
1 Idler pulley
2 Crankshaft
3 Refrigerant compressor
5 Alternator
7 Power steering pump
7/1 Guide pulley
8 Coolant pump