Application Note
Key to Mercedes-Benz Group Numbers:NOTE: The first two numbers (following "PE") of the diagram represent the Mercedes-Benz group number.
For example: The group for diagram "PE15.00-U-200RA" is "15".
Group Subject Area
00 Multi-Function Circuits
07 Engine Combustion
15 Electrical - Engine
26 Manual Transmission
27 Automatic Transmission
42 Brakes - Hydraulic and Mechanical
54 Electrical - Equipment and Instruments
67 Interior Equipment
68 Interior Equipment
72 Doors
77 Hardtop
80 Central Locking
82 Electrical - Body
83 Air Conditioning
88 Detachable Components
91 Seats, SRS
* Not all Mercedes Groups are shown. Only groups which have an associated wiring diagram are listed here.