AR46.40-P-0400I Check/Replace Rubber Boot
Check And Replace Bellows
Shown On Model 220:
1 Check bellows (11)
CAUTION: Never check bellows (1) by pressing in or around the plastic beads This will damage the bellows (11) and cause leaks
NOTE: Because the seals on the bellows (11) must be absolutely tight and leak-free to ensure that the steering rack continues to provide reliable operation, a visual inspection should be earned out as follows
- Raise vehicle at front axle
- Turn the steering all the way to the left and right to stretch the bellows, examining them for damaging (cracks, abraded areas and dents), then replace as indicated.
2.1 Detach lower engine compartment paneling
2.2 Remove bottom part of noise encapsulation
3 Remove tie rod (10)
NOTE: Only models 215, 220, 230
4 Unscrew lock nut (10f)
5 Detach outer clamp (11b)
6 Detach inner clamp (11a)
NOTE: Except model 209.316/343/376
7 Pull off bellows (11)
NOTE: Installation Install new O-ring (23k).
8 Check steering rack and inner tie rod axial joint for corrosion and play
- If the rack is already corroded and the steering has a leak as a result, it is then necessary to replace the complete rack-and-pinion steering, Remove/install rack-and-pinion steering.
- If axial joint is worn, replace the inner tie rod.
- Remove/install inner tie rod with axial joint.
9 Install in reverse order.