GF91.60-P-2007T Rollover, Function
GF91.60-P-2007T Rollover, function
In the event of a rollover, the restraint systems control unit (N2/7) evaluates the data of the following components:
^ Rollover sensor (integrated in restraint systems control unit)
^ Driver sidebag and windowbag sensor (A53/1)
^ Front passenger sidebag and windowbag sensor (A54/1)
^ Driver-side frontal acceleration sensor (B48/1)
^ Passenger-side frontal acceleration sensor (B48/2)
The following squibs can be triggered in the event of a rollover :
^ Driver emergency tensioning retractor squib (R12/1) (up to 31.5.06 (not (United States Of America) or (Japan)) or up to 30.6.06 (only (United States Of America) or (Japan)))
^ Front passenger emergency tensioning retractor squib (R12/2) (up to 31.5.06 (not (United States Of America) or (Japan)) or up to 30.6.06 (only (United States Of America) or (Japan)))
^ Driver buckle emergency tensioning retractor squib (R46) (as from 1.6.06 (not (United States Of America) or (Japan)) or as from 1.7.06 (only (United States Of America) or (Japan)))
^ Front passenger buckle emergency tensioning retractor squib (R46/1) (as from 1.6.06 (not (United States Of America) or (Japan)) or as from 1.7.06 (only (United States Of America) or (Japan)))
^ Left rear ETR squib (R12/6)
^ right rear ETR squib (R12/7)
^ driver sidebag squib (R12/9)
^ front passenger sidebag squib (R12/10)
^ Left rear sidebag squib (R12/11) (with code (293) Left and right rear sidebag)
^ Right rear sidebag squib (R12/12) (with code (293) Left and right rear sidebag)
The following information is evaluated for monitoring the situation in the vehicle interior:
Left front seat belt buckle status
If the driver seat belt buckle restraint systems switch (S68/3) detects that a belt latch has not been inserted into the seat belt buckle, the left front emergency tensioning retractor unit or the left front buckle emergency tensioning retractor unit is not deployed.
Right front seat belt buckle status
If the front passenger seat belt buckle restraint systems switch (S68/4) detects that a belt latch has not been inserted into the seat belt buckle, then the right front emergency tensioning retractor unit or the right front buckle emergency tensioning retractor unit is not deployed.
There is no seat belt buckle inquiry for the left and right rear seats; as a result, the left and right rear ETR squibs are always triggered.
For (United States Of America) in the event of a rollover, a signal is sent from the restraint systems control unit to the emergency call system control unit (N123/4) and an automatic emergency call transmitted.