GF72.29-P-4003TX Power Windows Normalizing, Function
GF72.29-P-4003TX Power Windows Normalizing, Function
Normalizing means learning in the upper mechanical window stop (zero point) into the door control module (N69/1, N69/2, N69/3 or N69/4).
For this purpose it is necessary to close the corresponding window completely with the driver-side power window switch group (S20/1) or corresponding power window switch (S21/2, S21/3 or S21/4) and continue to press it.The corresponding door control then sets the position counter for the Hall sensors to zero if it has recognized a lock-up of the power window motors (M10/3, M10/4, M10/5 or M10/6) for approx. 0.5 s.
Denormalizing occurs when:
^ a position counter status has reached a value greater than the maximum window travel
^ an incorrect rotation direction of the Hall sensors is recognized
^ one of the two Hall sensor signals is erroneous