GF80.20-P-3012PP Open Trunk Lid With Interior Switch, Function
GF80.20-P-3012PP Open Trunk Lid With Interior Switch, Function
MODEL 203.0 up to Model Year 8
Function prerequisites
- Vehicle unlocked with transmitter key (A8/1) and lock cylinder not in 90° position
As of 1.7.02 the 90° position of the lock cylinder is eliminated
Operation of the trunk lid release switch (S20/1s6) is read in by the left front door control unit (N69/1). If the function is enabled, the left front door control unit (N69/1) transmits the command to open the trunk lid to the rear SAM control module with fuse and relay module (N10/2) via the controller area network bus class B (interior compartment) (CAN-B)
The rear SAM control module with fuse and relay module (N10/2) actuates the CL motor (S88/4m1).
Function confirmation
The state of the trunk lid is indicated by an LED in the trunk lid release switch (S20/1s6).
When the trunk lid is opened, the rear SAM control module with fuse and relay module (N10/2) transmits a corresponding message to the left front door control unit (N69/1).