AR40.20-P-0322-03P Check Caster and Assign to Tabular Value
AR40.20-P-0322-03P Check Caster and Assign to Tabular Value
Model 203 up to 03/2004, without 4MATIC
FA At front axle level
RA At rear axle level
Model 203 up to 03/2004,with code (482) suspension with increased ground clearance
FA At front axle level
RA At rear axle level
Model 203 as from 04/2004, without 4MATIC
FA At front axle level
RA At rear axle level
Model 203 with 4MATIC
FA At front axle level
RA At rear axle level
Caster tolerance: 30'
The level values are displayed by the electronic level measuring device in decimal degrees [°].
1 Obtain the caster value from the table taking into account the front axle and rear axle level value measured previously.