Ignition System: Service Precautions
AH15.10-P-0002-01V Notes On Avoiding Damage To Ignition System
^ Before disconnecting the connector (R) at the ME-SFI [ME] control unit (N3/10), turn the key in the ignition switch (EIS [EZS] control unit) to the "0" position.
^ Disconnect battery before disconnecting the connector (L) at the ME-SFI [ME] control unit (N3/10).
^ Only install original ignition system components.
Shown on engine 272
^ Do not run the ignition system without fully connected lines or without the spark plug connector (a).
^ Do not disconnect the connectors at the ignition coils at starting speed or when the engine is running.
^ Do remove ignition coils from spark plugs at starting speed or when the engine is running.
^ Before working at starting speed, for example, check the compression pressure, turn the key in the EIS [EZS] control unit to the "0" position.