GF54.10-P-0003CE Energy Management, Function
GF54.10-P-0003CE Energy Management, Function
MODEL 204.0 /2 as of model year 2009 /YoM 08
MODEL 204.3
MODEL 204.9
A1 Instrument cluster
A1p7 Travel distance display (model 204.0/2/3/9 (except 204.077/277/377) without code (442) Comfort multifunction steering wheel)
A1p13 Multifunction display (with code (442) Comfort multifunction steering wheel, model 204.077/277/377)
B95 Battery sensor
F32 Front prefuse box (with engine 271, 272, 276 and as of 1.12.09 with engine 156, 646, 651)
F32k1 Decoupling relay (with code (B03) ECO start/stop function)
F33 Rear prefuse box (with engine 642, with code (965) Rental vehicle electrical equipment and up to 30.11.09 with engine 156, 646, 651)
G2 Generator
K57/2 Additional battery relay (with code (B03) ECO start/stop function)
N3/9 CDI control unit (with diesel engine)
N3/10 ME-SFI [ME] control unit (with gasoline engine)
N10/1 Front SAM control unit with fuse and relay module
N10/2 Rear SAM control unit with fuse and relay module
N24/3 DC/AC converter control unit (with code (U80) 115 V power outlet in cargo area and code (460) Canada version or code (494) USA version)
N73 Electronic ignition switch control unit
X58/34 Power outlet 115 V (as of with code (U80) 115 V power outlet in cargo area and code (460) Canada version or code (494) USA version)
CAN B Interior CAN
CAN E Chassis CAN
LIN B7 On-board electrical system LIN
LIN C1 Drive train LIN
Function requirements, general
^ Circuit 30 ON
Energy management, general
Energy management manages the provision (supply) and consumption (management) of electrical energy with the aim of ensuring the startability of the engine and a stable supply to all electrical consumers.
The following components are involved in energy management:
- Battery sensor (monitoring of on-board electrical system battery charge level (G1))
- On-board electrical system battery (power storage and supply when the engine is off)
- Additional battery (G1/7) (with code (B03) ECO start/stop function) (On-board electrical system voltage supply with automatic engine start)
- Alternator (energy generation)
- CDI control unit or ME-SFI control unit (generator management)
- Front SAM control unit (actuation of on-board power supply management support (with code (B03) ECO start/stop function)
- Rear SAM control unit (On board power supply management, master control unit for energy management)
Energy management consists of the following subsystems:
^ On-board electrical system management
^ Major assemblies coordinator
On-board electrical system management
The on-board electrical system management monitors on-board power supply utilization and actively intervenes in the energy management (e.g. consumer shutoff). The aim is to ensure the starting ability of the engine and a stable power supply to all electrical consumers.
Major assemblies coordinator
The major assembly coordinator is integrated into the CDI control unit or the ME-SFI [ME] control unit and forms the interface between the on-board electrical system management and the alternator. The CDI control unit or the ME-SFI [ME] control unit communicates with the alternator over the drivetrain LIN. The major assembly coordinator regulates the alternator's power output to match the on-board electrical system management specifications taking engine load into consideration.
The recording and evaluation of the relevant variables for this are conducted by the following components:
- Rear SAM control unit
- CDI control unit or ME-SFI [ME] control unit
- Generator
Energy management is made up of the following subfunctions which are described in separate documents:
^ Engine on energy management, function
^ Engine off energy management, function
^ Energy management for engine start/stop function (with code (B03) ECO start/stop function)
^ DC/AC converter function (with model 204.0/9 with code (U80) 115 V power outlet in cargo area and code (460) Canada version or code (494) USA version)
The "energy management for engine start/stop function" subfunction is viewed from an energy management point-of-view.
Information on the "engine timing Start-Stop function" subfunction is contained in the "Common-Rail Diesel Injection (CDI) function" description (with diesel engine) or "gasoline injection and ignition system with direct-injection function" (with gasoline engine).