C165 - C255
CONNECTOR LocationC165 LH side of engine, to transaxle solenoid assembly/transaxle
oil temperature
C166 Top RH rear of engine, on fuel injector 1
C167 Top center rear of engine, on fuel injector 3
C168 Top LH rear of engine, on fuel injector 5
C169 Top center rear of engine, on Idle Air Control (IAC) solenoid
C170 Top center rear of engine, on Idle Air Control (IAC) solenoid
C171 LH side of engine, on Knock Sensor (KS)
C172 Top center rear of engine, on Idle Air Control (IAC) solenoid
C173 LH rear of engine, to EGR temperature sensor
C174 LH rear of transaxle, on Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
C175 In LH engine compartment relay block, on Daytime Running
Lamps (DRL) relay
C176 In LH engine compartment relay block, on A/C relay
C177 In LH engine compartment relay block, on F.Grille lamp
C178 In LH engine compartment relay block, on inhibit relay
C179 In LH engine compartment relay block, on cooling fan low
C180 In LH engine compartment relay block, on cooling fan High2
C181 In LH engine compartment relay block, on cooling fan High1
C182 In LH engine compartment relay block, on fuel pump relay
C183 In LH engine compartment relay block, on bulb check relay
C184 In LH engine compartment relay block, on horn relay
C185 In LH engine compartment relay block, on speed control
hold relay
C186 In RH engine compartment relay block, on idle air control
C187 In RH engine compartment relay block, on A/light (H/L)
C188 In RH engine compartment relay block, on A/light (Tail)
C200 Top LH side of safety wall, on front wiper motor assembly
C201 Behind center of I/P, on front climate control panel
C202 Behind LH side of I/P, on I/P fuse/relay panel
C203 Behind center of I/P, on front climate control panel
C204 Behind LH side of I/P, on I/P fuse/relay panel
C205 Behind center of I/P on rear blower motor switch (front)
C206 Behind LH side of I/P on I/P fuse/relay panel
C207 Behind center of I/P on front blower motor switch
C208 Behind top LH side of I/P, above I/P fuse/relay panel
C209 Behind center of I/P on front climate control panel
C210 Behind top LH side of I/P above I/P fuse/relay panel
C211 Behind LH center of I/P on mode actuator
C213 Behind center of I/P on rear of ashtray assembly
C214 Top of steering column, to clockspring assembly
C215 In lower LH side of console, on LH foot lamp assembly
C216 Top LH side of steering column, on shift lock solenoid
C217 Below center of I/P near module brackets
C218 Top LH side of steering column, on ignition switch
C219 (With Keyless Entry) Below center of I/P on keyless entry module
C219 (Without Keyless Entry) Below center of I/P near module brackets
C220 Top of steering column, on combination switch
C221 Below center of I/P on keyless entry module
C222 Top of steering column, to overdrive cancel switch
C223 Below center of I/P on passive restraint control module
C224 Top of steering column, on combination switch
C225 Below center of I/P, on passive restraint control module
C226 Behind LH side of I/P, near top of cowl panel
C227 LH side of glove box, on glove box lamp
C228 Behind LH side of I/P, on power window relay
C229 Behind center of I/P on radio
C230 Behind LH side of I/P on front blower motor relay
C231 Behind center of I/P on radio
C232 Behind LH side of I/P on bottom of C226
C233 Behind center of I/P on radio
C235 Behind center of I/P on radio
C236 Behind LH side of I/P on bottom of C 226
C237 Behind center of I/P on CD player
C238 Behind top LH side of I/P near base of "A" pillar
C239 Behind center of I/P on radio
C240 Behind top LH side of I/P near base of "A" pillar
C241 Behind center of I/P on radio
C242 Behind LH side of I/P on LH circuit breaker
C243 Behind center of I/P on radio
C244 Behind LH side of I/P on RH circuit breaker
C245 Behind RH center of I/P on front blend door actuator
C246 Behind bottom of LH cowl panel, on inertia fuel shut-off
C247 Below center of I/P on speed control module
C248 Behind bottom of LH cowl panel, on timer module
C249 Below center of I/P on anti-lock brake control module
C250 Top of LH cowl panel, on park brake switch
C251 In lower RH side of console, on RH foot lamp assembly
C252 Data Link Connector (DLC) Behind LH side of I/P on bottom of I/P fuse/relay panel
C253 Behind top RH side of I/P
C254 Behind LH side of I/P on power mirror switch
C255 Behind top RH side of I/P