J4 CHECK CIRCUIT 533 (T/R)- Disconnect ABS pump motor relay.
- Install EEC IV 60-Pin Breakout Box; leave the anti0lock electronic control module disconnected. Ensure the correct overlay is used.
Measuring Resistance Between ABS Pump Motor C185, Circuit 533, And ABS Pump Motor Relay Connector Pin 30:
- Measure the resistance between ABS pump motor C185, circuit 533 (T/R), and ABS pump motor relay connector pin 30, circuit 533 (T/R), and between ABS pump motor C185, circuit 533 (T/R), and Breakout Box pin 37, and between ABS pump motor connector C185, circuit 533 (T/R), and ground.
- Is the resistance less than 5 ohms between the ABS pump motor, ABS pump motor relay, and the Breakout Box, and greater than 10,000 ohms between the ABS pump motor and ground?
> Yes
Reconnect the ABS pump motor. Perform Pinpoint Test J5. J5
> No
Repair circuit 533 (T/R). Perform Pinpoint Test J9. J9,