Steps 1-35
Special Tools:
Special Tools:
Special Tools:
Special Tools:
NOTE: Before beginning assembly, perform/inspect the following:
When building up subassemblies and assembling the transmission, ALWAYS use new gaskets and seals.
All fasteners must be tightened to the torque specification indicated.
When building up subassemblies, each component part should be lubricated with clean transmission fluid. It is also good practice to lubricate the subassemblies as they are installed in the case.
Needle bearings, thrust washers and seals should be lightly coated with petroleum jelly during subassembly build up or transmission assembly.
Many components and surfaces in the transmission are precision machined. Careful handling during disassembly, cleaning, inspection and assembly can prevent unnecessary damage to machined surfaces.
1. If removed, use Case Rear Bushing Replacer and Impact Slide Hammer to install the rear case bushing.
1 Position the rear case bushing and Case Rear Bushing Replacer from inside of the case.
2 Thread Impact Slide Hammer into Case Rear Bushing Replacer through the back of case.
2. Place the transmission in the vertical position.
3. Coat No. 9 case rear bearing with petroleum jelly and install on the case boss.
4. CAUTION: Be sure the No. 7 needle bearing and direct clutch hub are installed correctly. Internal damage and shift problems may occur.
Install the (A) output shaft , (B) output shaft ring gear and the (C) direct clutch as an assembly.
5. Install the reverse band support retaining ring.
6. NOTE: Make sure the band is seated on the anchor pins.
Install the reverse band.
7. NOTE:
- The planetary assembly and planetary gear support cannot be installed unless the notch cut in the planetary gear support is aligned with the overdrive band anchor pin.
- The top of the planetary gear support must be below the snap ring groove.
Install the planetary assembly and planetary gear support as a unit.
- Rotate the output shaft to fully seat the planetary assembly
8. Install the case to planet support spring.
9. Install the center support retaining ring.
- Reference the retaining ring tabs to the band anchor pin location.
10. Install the forward clutch sun gear, No. 5 forward clutch sun gear bearing and the reverse sun gear.
11. Install the No. 4 forward clutch hub bearing.
12. Install the intermediate stub shaft.
13. Install the (A) forward clutch hub and the (B) No. 3 forward clutch hub front bearing.
14. Install the forward clutch assembly.
15. NOTE: Make sure the reverse clutch cylinder lugs are completely seated in the notches of the reverse sun gear.
Install the (A) reverse clutch cylinder assembly and the (B) No. 2 forward clutch bearing.
16. Install the overdrive band.
- Position the overdrive band pocket onto the anchor pin.
17. Install the (A) overdrive servo spring and the (B) overdrive servo piston assembly.
- Install the overdrive servo piston return spring.
- Install the overdrive servo piston.
- Install the sleeve assembly.
18. Verify the tip of the piston assembly engages the pocket of the overdrive band.
19. Use (A) Servo Piston Remover/Replacer to compress the overdrive servo assembly and install the (B) overdrive servo retaining ring.
20. Install the intermediate clutch pressure plate.
21. Install the intermediate clutch pack and selective steel plate.
22. Check the intermediate clutch clearance.
1 Position Gauge Bar on the pump case mounting surface.
2 Maintaining downward pressure, use a depth micrometer to measure and verify intermediate clutch clearance is within specification.
- If the intermediate clutch is not within specification, install a correct selective plate.
23. Measure end clearance for the No. 1 front pump thrust washer.
1 Position Gauge Bar on the pump case mounting surface.
2 Maintaining downward pressure, use a depth micrometer to measure end play clearance.
- Use the No. 1 thrust washer chart to select the proper washer.
24. Install the No. 1 front pump support thrust washer.
- Use petroleum jelly to hold the washer in place.
25. Install an alignment pin at the top of the case.
26. NOTE: Make sure the gasket is positioned correctly and the case passages are not covered.
Install the pump gasket.
27. NOTE: To aid assembly, shake the input shaft while pushing down on the pump.
Install the pump assembly.
28. Remove the alignment pin and install the front pump bolts.
- Alternate bolt tightening to set the pump.
29. Rotate the transmission to the horizontal position.
30. Install the parking pawl.
1 Position the parking pawl return spring.
2 Position the parking pawl.
3 Install the parking pawl shaft.
31. Install a new extension housing gasket and the extension housing.
1 Position the extension housing.
2 Install the four bolts and two nuts.
32. Install a new extension housing seal.
1 Position Seal Replacer and the seal.
2 Install the extension housing seal.
33. Install the Output Shaft Speed (OSS).
1 Position the OSS.
2 Install the bolt.
34. Use (A) Shift Lever Seal Replacer to install the (B) manual control lever seal.
35. NOTE: Lubricate the Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) solenoid O-rings with transmission fluid.
Install the EPC solenoid.