Alignment: Service and Repair
Toe Adjustment1. Check the toe settings; follow the manufacturer's instructions.
2. NOTE: Do not allow the steering gear bellows to twist when the front wheel spindle tie rod is rotated.
Position the steering gear bellow clamps aside.
3. Loosen the nuts.
^ Clean and lubricate the nut(s) and front wheel spindle tie rod threads.
4. Rotate the front wheel spindle tie rods.
5. Tighten the nuts.
6. Reposition the clamps to their original positions.
7. Recheck the toe settings; follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Lean Correction
1. NOTE: Make sure the vehicle is on level ground and has no luggage or passenger load before carrying out the following procedure. Make sure all tire pressures are correct before carrying out the following procedure.
Check the wheel arch heights for proper specifications. Verify in both the front and the rear that the difference in the wheel arch height between the left and right sides is within 10 mm (0.4 inch).
2. If the wheel arch height is not within specification, check for spring damage, spring sag or nonstandard replacement springs.